I think that this image to the left is my most successful image for this project. This is the image I took for high perspective. I feel like I captured that perspective very well in this image and the way that my dog is looking up makes it obvious that this image was taken from an above angle. I think the image is very clear and the subject is in good focus. I also really like the lighting in this photograph, it is very well lit and bright. I also love the slight rainbow details that occurred from the glass in my front door that can be seen by my dog's paw. I think that adds a very cool and unique effect to the image. I am overall also just very proud of this image as it took a while to get my dog to make eye contact with my camera, she was a very uncooperative subject.
I think the most challenging part of this assignment overall was finding an image to take for analogous colors. It was very hard to find something to photograph that were the colors that were adjacent on the color wheel. I ended up finding a yellow flower with a green background, which worked, but it was not my favorite. Another thing I found challenging with this assignment was finding vibrant subjects to take pictures of. I love taking my pictures outside (especially of flowers and pretty plants), and I feel like natural light just makes the best looking image. But with it being winter, everything outside is so dead and gloomy that I struggled a little bit with finding pretty and colorful things in nature to photograph. I take my best pictures in the spring and the summer, when everything is blooming, but I am working on expanding my photography horizons to find more things I like the photograph in the winter months. I felt like this project helped me begin to explore that a little and challenge myself.
In the future to create stronger images I think I want to work on lighting a little more. I am still getting used to learning when the sun is at certain spots during the day to create a certain looking image. So I definitely want to explore that a little more so I can get my images looking just the way I want with the natural lighting.
Latoria Miller
This image is very unique and cute! I love it since I also have a dog it is hard for her to kept still with photo's so it's kind of like those one in few chances type of feeling for me. But when I see this I love how your dog looks so photogenic and ready just going from the way the dog looks up at the camera. Also on a slight note I adore how there is a little rainbow on the paw which brings more light to the photo itself. Also with the slight blur it doesn't take away from the main point of the photo. I guess this is a way of saying its a…
I really enjoyed this image! It put a smile on my face because first of all he is too cute and second it made me think of my own dog. I also included an image of my dog for my high perspective image because I feel like I always take so many images of my dog by me standing up over her. I think you did a really good job because this is also a really quality image. I also really enjoy that this image is focused on the dog a lot because even though the background isn't anything distracting it appears to be a little blurry and I think that it makes the dog stand out even more! Great…
Sabrina Tiseo
I really enjoy this image. I see cute dog pictures all the time, but what makes this image stand out, and what drew me in, is the high perspective at which the dogs face is captured at. With his face being the main focus, and the rest of his body below him out of focus, the image works well. Because his eyes are so clear and centered, I feel almost connected to the dog. I take notice of his slightly turned head that mimics the expression of a human, and wonder, what is he thinking? What is he looking at? Overall I really enjoy this image!
I really like and being attracted by this picture which took by the high perspective technique.I have to say that the color of entire picture are pretty much the same and this makes the picture harmonious.The position of the puppy's eyes and head in the picture made it obvious to me that this was a cute way to interact. The little bit of rainbow is also the most surprising part to me.
Kylie Berish
I was really drawn to this picture because of the high perspective. I love how you waited for the perfect moment for your dog to make eye contact, it really is the center of the photo. The coloring of this photo and the lighting really enhances the subject and the little rainbow adds a hint of color which adds subtle details as well! This image made me happy to see and I really enjoyed reading about how you took it and the technique you used!